Thursday, June 26, 2003

The dog still has diarrhea. And he was vomiting both this morning and yesterday morning. I was starting to really worry, so this morning we went to the vet. I'm still not sure what exactly is wrong with him, but for today he's on a no-food, no-water, occasional ice cubes diet, to soothe the upset tummy. Tomorrow he starts with bland food -- rice and chicken broth, or lamb and rice, in very small but frequent portions, and he starts antibiotics and some other med to help with the runny stools. Fun fun fun for both of us.

In other news, I left the dance early tonight. Didn't really dance at all. It was the first time in months that I've been at a dance and really just not wanted to be there.

It started off poorly; I was supposed to work the door for the new class session, but was on the east side trying to move some more stuff over. That was another disaster in itself; they're redoing the parking lots over there, so I couldn't park in any lots anywhere near my building. Makes moving anything a real hassle. So I was heading back, and guess what -- traffic. Accidents everywhere. 520 west clogged all the way back to 140th St. I90 bridge standing still. Needless to say, I was quite a bit late, despite having alotted myself "extra" travel time.

The classes were okay, but after classes I ran up to drop off a check for Chris and to check out a new Tango practice venue. Jaimes was supposed to be there, but wasn't. He sent his regards through Susan, and said he might be there tomorrow night. I'm not sure I'll see him at all again before he heads off for his 3 month Alaska sailboat trip. I was also supposed to meet Randy, another tango dancer, about my level, to talk about possibly getting together regularly to practice. He wasn't there either. It wasn't a great time.

So I get back to the swing dance, and I want to dance. But Chris leaves me working the door for the entire 2 hour shift. (Usually people don't work more than 30 or 60 minutes in any given night. Then you still have plenty of time left to enjoy the dance.) And Mike leaves to "take a shower", but never comes back. Isn't there to keep me company while I work the door, isn't there dancing, and isn't there to dance with when I finally get done working. By that time, I'm just so bored out of my mind that I want to be anywhere but there, so I leave and walk home. And here I am.


So with what's left of tonight (or tomorrow morning, I suppose), I need to go back to Redmond. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and forgot some paperwork there that I need to bring with me. Oh, and there's all the rest of my stuff to move before Monday. Ew.

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