Monday, September 29, 2003

Mary and my father got in on Saturday. It's the first time my father has been out here since I moved to Washington.

Last night, we went dancing. Mary and I danced, and my father, my aunt, and my cousin Andy all actually came and watched for a little bit. On the one hand, it was nice that one of my parents got to see what has become a large and important part of my life. On the other hand, he didn't seem very interested or excited about it, which made me a little sad. Oh well; I guess you can't ever win all battles.

I went to a series of dance workshops this weekend. Some of the courses were better than others. There were a 20's Charleston and a Balboa course that I really liked. We learned some nifty solo-stuff in the 20's Charleston course, and it made me decide that I'd like to work some on my solo dancing. It'll give me something to do when the music moves me, but there's nobody that wants to dance with me or nobody I want to dance with.

Now I'm at work. Tired. I rode the bus again. I wanted to take a nap, but decided that wouldn't be smart; would suck to miss my stop. Now I'm sipping on a coffee I just grabbed from the kitchen, trying to gather my wits about me so that I can start getting things done.


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