Monday, December 08, 2003

I just woke up from a nightmare just now where some crazy woman was trying to kill me by burning me with hot water. I had been on my way to meet Jaimes, had gotten lost and was running late, and stopped into a restaurant to ask for directions; that's where the woman had been. She started screaming at me, trying to engage me, chasing me. I fled, and accidentally knocked down a waitress on the way out. Something fell off the closest table onto her -- boiling hot water from a teacup directly onto her scalp, I think, and then something large and glass fell onto her head and shattered, the combination of both injured her fatally, but I was just trying to get away from Ms. Nutso and couldn't stop to worry about it or even feel bad. There were cars out on the street, but none of them would stop for me - except for one, with two guys and a dog, who only picked me up after I agreed to give one a blow job in exchange. Crazy woman was right there on my tail, grabbed my leg as I was getting into the car and wouldn't let go even as we were driving away. It hurt, this woman outside pulling at my leg and arm, trying to shut the door, shutting it on my own limbs to try and get away from her. It was raining, and everything was wet and cold and slippery and the door wasn't closing all the way and I was pretty damn scared -

and then I woke up.

I don't know where dreams like that come from.

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